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Famous Male Strippers Who Pioneered The Entertainment Industry

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18 Jun 2020

Famous Male Strippers Who Pioneered The Entertainment Industry


Many celebrities have had alternative “careers” before becoming famous. Some are humdrum, and others are a little juicier. Some stars have previously worked as strippers before hitting big in the entertainment industry. Since the theatre is often linked to dance, it is natural that some celebrities got their stepping stones as dancers and performers.


Javier Bardem

Javier Bardem – a Spanish star once confessed that he had experience becoming a stripper. He told about how he went on a male strip club, and dance and people pay him money. However, it went on a real disaster when his mom and sister watched his male stripper performance. This Oscar-winning star was unsure of his career options before entering Hollywood, so he tried his hand at specific jobs. Look where he is now!


Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt is currently a successful actor in several blockbuster movies. He was a day stripper at some point after dropping out of a local community college. Chris used to work on bachelorette and birthday parties at the age of 18. But, now, he has grown as an actor and left beyond his exotic dancing days!


Jamie Durie

Jamie Durie began his career as a male stripper at hens nights in sydney with the internationally renowned men’s magazine show “Manpower.” Jamie was recruited to the series at a young age because of his appearance, athletic body, and acrobatic skills. He was one of the first members of Manpower and helped them build an international brand that would later become one of the most successful male striptease shows in history.

Jamie was a stripper for Manpower for seven years as a principal dancer, costume designer, and manager. His time as a male stripper allowed him to appear on live television all over the world, on Grace magazine covers, calendars and merchandise, and news articles.


After his early retirement from male stripping, he obtained a 4-year diploma in horticultural studies. Today, Jamie owns an outdoor garden and merchandise design business, which has high demand around the world.


Male stripping could start as a hobby, profession, a job to put foods on the table and pay off loans. But like these surprising actors and male performers, the experience and quality dance moves have gained them a skill or two. These men are pioneer in the male stripping industry and have shown what talent and performance can do to our lives. We might be seeing their killer dance moves, but beyond what the eyes can see, they went to rigorous training, and have gained skills you may not have with other professions.