Know Justin a little bit more!
What is your favourite part of Magic Men?
It’s like having a group of friends and brothers who will guide you in life. I love the teasing we do backstage and our barbecue nights. I also love when we meet other people who are inspired by what we do and appreciate us for our talents.
What is your favourite food?
I eat lots of food and probably have several favourites. Top on my list is pizza, burger and barbecue snags.
What do you like doing in your spare time?
I spend most of my free time in the gym, building muscles, training with other guys. I love to play online games whenever I have free time to reduce my stress.
How would someone get your special attention?
Someone can get my attention if she has a beautiful and confident smile. There’s nothing more beautiful than a lady who has a great smile.
“Someone can get my attention if she has a beautiful and confident smile.”
If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
If I’m an animal I’m definitely sure I’m a bird. LOL. I think I’m a hummingbird. They are fast, energetic and inspiring to look at. I think I’m a little like that – energetic and fast. Hopefully inspiring!
If you could visit one place on Earth where would you go?
I love to visit Europe. They have wonderful architecture and I’ve always been fascinated to travel there and check their tourist spots. Love to be there and meet a lot of Magic Men fans too!
If you were a superhero what powers would you have?
If I will have a superhero, I’d like to have flying power like Superman. God, I could go places and wouldn’t need a visa. And that’s way cheaper! I like to fly from one place to another anytime I wanted. Wow, that would be so cool!